Today I'm going to question the sanity of the people involved with Cirque du Soleil. For all of you who love these shows I'm warning you now that you might not like my post. If you are a water, egg, or whatever lover then you can stop reading now if you'd like.
I will confess that I've never been to any Cirque show. But this is my blog and I will comment on it as if I had been to every one. The last production that came to to town was Eau. I didn't even think about buying tickets because not only do I find people twisting themselves in weird ways....well...kind of weird but neither of my kids would enjoy or benefit from this sort of thing.....or so I thought. Every year Andrew's school holds a magazine fundraiser. If you sell a certain amount of magazine subscriptions by a particular day you get entered into prize draws. Well guess what my kid wins. The Cirque du Soleil tickets. Good seats too. I had a soccer game so I had a great excuse to not go. Truthfully part of me wanted to see what all the fuss was about....especially when I didn't have to pay for it but I wasn't heart broken either. So my dad went with Drew. Just the two guys.
When they returned from the show the two of them had nothing but praise for it. Now for those of you who don't know I have had to take Andrew out of all kinds of events. A Raffi concert when he was 4, the Children's Festival at two separate shows, library story time, etc. All because he couldn't handle the acoustics of the venues. He also is the kid that wouldn't tell you he was run over by a steam roller unless you said "Hey Drew, how was your day? Did you get run over by a steam roller today?" So imagine my shock when he talked about it for several days afterwards. I heard all about this person or that, what he found funny, etc.
Okay so here I would have deprived my child from a unique cultural experience had it not been for him winning tickets. Lesson learned. Never assume Drew won't like something even if he's hated every other similar event you've ever tried. Got it. That brings me to my dilemma. The newest Cirque show is Ovo which means egg. What is with that? Um....yuck. Do they know that eggs are unfertilized reproductive material? Doesn't that just scream cultural event? I mean at least Eau (water) isn't yucky!! I guess this would be a good time to mention that eggs (from chickens) and I don't exactly have a fantastic relationship. I mean, I get that they are food and that they make your baking yummy and stuff but I don't like thinking about them too much. Never have. In fact when I found out what eggs were as a child I stopped eating them for years and years. When I see a yellow yolk all I can think about is cute little baby chicks somewhat like the ones in this picture.

Years later when I finally did eat them again it wasn't happily. Now I can manage eggs most of the time. But that doesn't mean I want to see a whole show of people rolling eggs, popping out of eggs, eggs swinging from a trapeze, and generally seeing people tossing glitter on eggs as they prance around in their colorful unitards with creepy smiles painted on their faces.....hello nightmares!!
And I mean what will they do after Ovo? Will it be Peluche? or Yeux? or Scarlatine? Those all sound kind of cool but in order they mean lint, eyes, and Scarlet Fever. Not so cool sounding now are they. And Ovo? What the hell?
But then the "you-need-to-enrich-your-children's-lives-so they-don't-miss-the best-experience-of-their-entire-young-life" part of me says suck it up princess and get your butt to the show. You'll have to excuse me if I never eat eggs again though....Ewwww!!