Saturday, November 19, 2011


Today is my 37th birthday. A day that I've been dreading for weeks now. I'm not really sure why though. It's not like 37 is a milestone birthday or anything. It's not a particularly special number or anything. It's just 37. I guess though that it kind of feels like the slide towards 40. I can't really pretend that I'm in my mid 30's anymore because I'm now looking ahead to the next milestone rather than just enjoying being here now.

The day started out with waking up before I really wanted to out of guilt that my children had been up for half an hour and despite being 12 and 9 still don't know how to get themselves cereal or even a snack yet. So I dragged myself downstairs in order that they didn't starve to death. Hero cookie for me!! We did sit around in our PJ's for a bit and then off to get the flu vaccine for Drew. We opted for the nasal mist rather than going for a needle. This option only seems to be available at a local grocery store chain rather than the heath region so off we went for groceries and a live flu virus....yeah!! There was only one dose of the mist left in this quadrant of the city so Drew got it and I'll take Camryn back in a few days when they get more. It's probably just as well because Cammie has a soccer game in the morning and then goalie training in the afternoon. I figured she wouldn't have had much fun if her body was also fighting off a weakened virus. I know....another hero cookie right?

We went for a fun lunch with my parents and then tonight I headed out with a great friend for some wine tasting. I guess I should clarify. I thought it would just be wines but they had samples of pretty much every type of alcohol you can imagine. Plus free food. Good laughs, good wine, good food, and fantastic company. It was such a wonderful way to ring in a birthday that I was dreading. So far 37 has been okay. Here's hoping that the other 364 days until 38 will be just as great.

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