Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oatmeal freckles

Let me start this blog by saying that I am a little bit weird about food. I like my milk to be fresh. If it's not fresh and I have to worry about smelling it I am just as likely to toss it as take the whiff and end up gagging. I also used to have trouble touching raw meat. Imagine cooking for a family and not being able to touch raw meat. I am over it but it took a lot of aversion therapy.....self move past it. And to this day I'm not really good about trying new things. I like what I like. However I do eat quite a few things that other people won't such as brussel sprouts, beets, and asparagus. So I'm not beyond help.

Camryn on the other hand is extremely weird about her food. They should not touch on a dinner plate. There will be no eating of any mixed up foods such as stew. Forget all sauces because she probably won't touch whatever it's covering. Yogurt must not have even the smallest bit of fruit chunk in it.

And then there is Oatmeal. Please give me the strength to watch that child eat oatmeal just one more morning. Do you know how oats will sometimes have a slightly dark spot in on the tip of the grain? Yah, to Camryn that is disgusting and vile and should not be in her bowl....of oatmeal. Yes, servant....remove the oats from my oatmeal!! But when asked what do you want for breakfast guess what she always wants. Ding, ding, ding. You win the grand prize if you said "Oatmeal". Let's get past the fact that it also can't be too thick or too runny. If you get the consistency just right then you need to watch her pick at the bowl for 20 minutes as she tries to avoid getting one of these grains on her spoon.

"Dino-egg" oatmeal with said dark spots
I tried to tell her that the dark spots were just like the freckles on her face. She looked at me thoughtfully and said "like oatmeal freckles?". Yes, honey you've got it. It's just a spot that doesn't change the person...or oat inside. Then she went back to carefully picking through the oatmeal with her spoon for the next 10 minutes.

Is 7:30 am too early to start drinking red wine? Who's with me?

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