Sunday, January 1, 2012

Allergic to Christmas?....say it isn't so

Several years ago I had an allergic reaction to a (real) Christmas tree. Not the kind of reaction that lands you in the hospital mind you.....just had hives all over my arms from decorating the darn thing. So I got smart and bought a fake tree the next year and that's what we've used ever since. Besides the many benefits of owning a faux Christmas tree is the fact that I won't ever have to worry about having another reaction to tree decorating.

Screech......wait, hold the phone.

This was from putting the tree away today. Isn't plastic supposed to be hypoallergenic? As a kid I was allergic to chocolate, Jello, any kind of pop whose name ended with "cola". Not to mention I was lactose intolerant so that leaves out ice cream and pudding. I've already had my fair share of being allergic to fun. 

So as retribution I chopped that damn tree down and I'm going to leave it on the floor as an example to the other plastic objects in our house. You can't mess with this girl and get away with it!!

Now where the hell is my Benadryl?

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