Monday, January 16, 2012

Shoot me now!!

I keep joking with my physiotherapist Lisa that maybe she just needs to put a pillow over my face and hold it there for a few minutes. Of course this is really just a joke because my spirits have been remarkably good despite my current ordeal. It all stems from my ongoing recovery from my car accident which has been less than smooth or easy. What seemed like a straight forward minor fender bender 13 months ago has led to quite the adventure through the medical system. That adventure is far from over and now I seem to have developed a new problem.

A few weeks ago I thought maybe I was allergic to my fake Christmas tree but as it turns out I am allergic to everything. Okay well maybe not really allergic to everything but something is making my body go insane right now.

Well at least part of my skin isn't red and inflamed. Hooray!!

My wonderful back fat picture. The kids took way worse ones of me but I wasn't posting those on the Internet. You should thank me for that. The white blotchy parts are my actually pasty skin color. Sexy I know.

These photos were taken today, a week after receiving a cortisone shot in my bum.....awesome right? It's supposed to be at full effect by now and last for 6 months. Um....I don't think it's working. If you've never had welts like this then you can't appreciate how horrible they are. If you have then you have my undying sympathy. And if you think Benadryl helps at all think again. I just want to run around the room screaming and slapping myself.

Oh and as a word of warning do not under any circumstances do a Google Image search for welts. Trust me on that one. You think mine are yuck?.....Ewww.

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