Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's good to love your ginch!!

Tonight I made Drew cry about underwear. I didn't mean to. I had noticed that he had been kind of grumbling about the pair he had on all day. So tonight when he took them off I carefully....very carefully.....checked the size on the tag. No wonder. It was a size smaller than all his other stuff. In hindsight I might have kept my evil plan to myself. After all Drew got a little stressed the last time that I tried to throw out one of his socks that had a big hole in it so I should have known it was coming. Really I could have just waited until he went to bed but silly me I tossed the underwear out right in front of him. I mean what kind of monster does that?

Now I will say that kids with Autism can sometimes be very object focused and they can sometimes have unusual attachments to things. But why small underwear and old socks? It's not like Drew would notice any of his old clothes disappearing. He has a love of long sleeved shirts but anyone of them could vanish and he'd never know it.

In the end Drew and I agreed that for tonight I would hang on to his underwear.....not literally mind you....and that I would throw them out at another time and not tell him about it. Oh great now we have to pretend like Underwear-gate never even happened. I don't know if I can go on pretending to have a secret hoard of old underwear stashed somewhere. I mean that's even creepier than actually having a secret stash of old underwear somewhere. Am I right?

 A (not so) Scary Monster. I don't get anything from the sale of these but they are darn cute!!

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