Monday, September 5, 2011

Apple bytes....

In addition to Autism Andrew also has three learning disabilities. One of those has to do with writing. More specifically his physical ability to write. Everything from the way he holds his pencil, to his ability to form letters, and even how long his muscles work before they become so fatigued he can't do it anymore. Of course we are still trying to sort out why this is. In the early spring we had our first visit with the neurologist and while we have ruled out Becker's Muscular Dystrophy as the cause there are about 4 bazillion other things still on the table. Okay well maybe not that many but it feels like it.

In the meantime we had to figure something else out because he's just entering Junior High and his need to take notes has just become more important. So we got him a laptop. The school uses Apple products and so he got a Mac. Now Mac's are way more expensive than PC's. I could have gone with the cheaper option but thought the Mac would be a better long term choice for him.

Imagine my sticker shock when I went back into the store after purchase to see what their options were for laptop cases. For the record Drew got their very smallest computer the 11 inch Macbook Air. I picked out a plastic cover and expected to pay for quality but imagine my surprise when I went to the till and found out that this clear plastic molded cover without even the Apple name or logo anywhere on it....including in the fine print.....was $59.95. Yes, that's right plastic that might cost one dollar to make and let's say two dollars to ship is priced at almost $60. And for those of you who think that maybe it has some sort of special ability to absorb shocks and bumps....well....think again. I mean it probably does it as well as any clear plastic laptop cover might but for that price shouldn't it at least do something amazing? Yah, I thought so too.

Can you see the cover? I can't see the cover?....

Oh look, there it is. You can see the little dots in the corners. Wow, what a feature!!

So how sorry do you feel for the shareholders of Apple after the stock took a dip when Steve Jobs announced he was stepping down the other week? They can use their 2000% mark up to buy themselves an ice cream to feel better. Poor things.

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