Saturday, September 10, 2011

Spraying for kids

Alright. I know this blog is going to tick off some people. Here we go....

There is a new trend out there where business owners are banning all children from their establishments. While I'm the first one on the band wagon to have a kid free night and get refreshed and rejuvenated so that I can come home and be a better Mom.....if that is even possible. Colleen pat's herself on the back. It's usually not other peoples children who bother me and that I need a break from. I love my kids but it's also nice to have some time away too.

In watching the interviews with the supporters of this ban I started to notice a trend. Without fail the people who supported it said things like "I'm tired of parents who won't take their crying kid out of the movie". Okay so let me get this straight. You are actually tired of jerk face parents then and not the kids themselves. Then ban a-holes who don't care about anyone else's right to enjoy something. I'm with yah on that one sista.

The other argument was that they wanted to be able to go out for something like a "girls night" and not have to be surrounded by children. Hello? You already had child free options. They are called lounges, bars, pubs, and night clubs......or even.....wait for it.....your own house. Voila.

Let's face it people. If you chose to be childless yourself good on you. Far better to not have kids of your own if you aren't prepared to take care of them. I love you all the more for that. However society is about interacting with other people. If you chose to live in a city, town, or even the smallest hamlet chance are good that you will encounter the offspring of other people. It's called life. If you don't like it then guess what? There is a nice cabin in the woods you can live in so that you never have to see anyone.

It's not kids that are the problem. If those kids wanted to be poopy pants and snot-nosed they wouldn't be crying. The real problem is the self centred people who don't care about anyone but themselves. Who think they are the only ones who might enjoy a night out. And that goes for both the parents who refuse to step outside for a minute when their kids are crying in a movie as well as the childless faction that wants to ban all children from everywhere but McDonalds. I don't like either of you quite frankly. You are too spoiled for my taste.

Besides it's all those poopy pants, snotty nosed, crying kids who will be wiping your butt one day when you are too old to do it yourself. Chew on that for a bit.

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