Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Four eyes and a brace face....what could be cooler?

Several weeks ago the kids went for their (almost) annual eye exam. I say almost because we kind of forgot and ended up being closer to a year and a half but we got our butts in there. Yeah us!!

The first tests for Camryn came back and indicated that she needed to have a special kind of vision test which required eye drops that diminish her ability to see up close for 24 hours. Awesome. Just what I love is eye drops and eye balls. Yuck. You may enjoy reading my previous post Bacon: A Cautionary Tale to discover just how much fun you can have at the eye doctor.

As you can see from the photo above Camryn has gotten glasses. She was really hoping for them so it was good news for her. I was just glad that they were on sale. Unfortunately she is also getting a retainer in a few months. Of course she is thrilled about that too. I can't say I really understand her enthusiasm. Camryn was even hoping for head gear with her dental work. Yes, you read that right. Where did I go wrong? Sigh.

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