Friday, September 16, 2011

Freaky Suduko

It's been a few years since I discovered Andrew's amazing talent for words. He was almost nine and a half when the psychologist had tested him as part of his psycho-educational assessment. At the time Drew was scoring above a 28 year old age equivalent in some select language abilities. Specifically the abilities to recognize and define words. With some excitement the psychologist talked about how Andrew had hit the ceiling of the test and what a remarkable skill that was.

Since he was a toddler I knew he had an interest in what words meant. Long before he was even out of diapers he wanted me to define every new word he heard. And the coolest part was that he would not only be able to then use the word correctly but he could also define it back to you.

So now that his sister Camryn has reached 9 and a half I think I've accidentally discovered her unique talent. I should start by saying that during her recent assessments for Autism the psychologist also tested Camryn's school abilities. She has never struggled the way Andrew did academically but I didn't want to miss anything since Drew has 3 learning disabilities and I'm pretty sure I have one myself. So just to be sure I wasn't missing anything I asked that Camryn get checked too. During the test Camryn was able to complete block designs that are usually meant for 16 year olds. They we quite complex and although she took her time she was able to do them with relative ease. So whatever spacial skill that is seemed to be her talent. Yeah Cam!!

Fast forward a couple months and I think we've discovered her real party trick. Suduko!! Let me explain. Our whole family likes Suduko puzzles. Several months ago Camryn got started on a Suduko puzzle in one of my mom's puzzle books but she must have been interrupted. It sat unfinished for months. It wasn't until last weekend that any of us saw this attempt of Camryn's. She had completed one line top to bottom of the puzzle with no other numbers filled in anywhere else in the puzzle except the ones that the puzzle makers give you to get you started. Once it was found my mom completed the puzzle using Camryn's numbers just to see if she was right. Low and behold she was. We asked her about it and she said she just started at one end of the line and filled each subsequent space in with the correct number. All the while not making any notes of possible number options and never being taught how to play.

All the talk about the subject today seemed to reawaken this interest and so Camryn started on a new puzzle tonight. Again she tackled it in the same fashion by starting at the top left square, following the left most edge, the bottom most edge and then the outer right hand edge. No notes, and to my knowledge never being taught any strategies for solving these. In chatting with both my parents and Drew all of us solve these by tackling the puzzle as a whole entity, using a variety of strategies to narrow down possible numbers for each box until we are done. I have no idea how Camryn is doing this and as of yet she seems unable to fully explain her very fascinating take on Suduko. More power to you and your amazing brain my darling!! You blow me away.

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