Monday, January 11, 2010

Death to all socks

I will start off with a confession of sorts. I hate laundry. Folding, sorting, hanging, ironing. This is not a life sustaining activity and yet people are compelled to do it. You may be sitting there thinking, okay Colleen, so do you just walk around in dirty clothes all the time?....No, I do it and hate every minute of it.

Think about it. The washing part starts out okay. I get the stuff into the washer and later move it to the dryer. Not so bad right? There is very little commitment in that kind of chore....but then the frustration begins. First it's one or two socks that seem to have gone missing. Then the next day I'm in the middle of making dinner and figure I'll fold the basket of microscopic mismatched children's socks later. Then one or two items have stains or holes that need repair and BOOM!! It happens. You have your first full basket of work. But life doesn't stop. No it just keeps going at full tilt. One basket becomes two, then three. I swear these things mate. Before you know it you are stepping over and around baskets. Maybe even having to buy more baskets to hold all your stuff. I have been know to go buy more clothes rather than dig through the piles to find a pair of something. You'd think I might figure out that eventually these new clothes will also require laundering. I know this in my head but it seems so much easier at the time.

Have you ever watched an interview with people who just won the lottery? When asked what they are going to do with their millions they inevitably say something like "I'm buying my mom the house she could never afford" or "I'm going to travel". Not me. No sir. I will be placing an ad in the newspaper to acquire a laundry servant. No windows, no toilets, no floors. Just laundry. I will continue to clean my own windows, toilets, and floors so as to ensure that I do not run out of money for a full time laundry professional.

Okay I know what you're thinking. I'm just lazy and I should fold the damn laundry already. You are right. When it comes to laundry I am lazy with a big "L". I have the right to be. I am a single mother of a crazy household who plays soccer, volunteers, works full time, and is actively involved in every aspect of her kids lives. My achilles heal has a spin cycle. So laundry is my dirty little secret. I always have clean clothes but if I show up for work with wrinkles after the clothes sat in the dryer or I have cat hair on my towels because my lovely feline thought the basket of clean clothes would make a great bed just pretend you saw nothing. I don't need your disapproving stares. I'm probably too busy pulling the dryer sheet out of my sleeve to notice you anyway. I smell good. What do you people want from me anyway?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The man in the cape

Okay so here I am not terribly heart broken about breaking up with my boyfriend of several months on New Years Eve. That was just over a week ago but it was hoovering there for almost two months. Normally I'm not one to waffle on such things but the relationship seemed to fluctuate between 60% and 90%. When it was at 60% I thought to myself what a nice guy he was but that I couldn't see it working out. Then when it was at 90% I'd think that maybe it would last. Anyway, I think I was ready for it and he provided the venue and public humiliation to seal the deal.

So I'm over him and thinking that I'll get back out there. Unfortunately....or maybe fortunately I had failed to cancel my subscription to a well know internet dating service. You may know it because they always have tv commercials where the cutest people on earth found each if they needed help in the first place. Now they are incredibly in love skipping down the beach on tv to rub it in. Anyway I met a new guy on said site who showed some promise. One of the things I always ask them to do early on is to tell me 10 random things about themselves. I go first to kind of set the tone for what I'm looking for. I get back all kinds of answers. So Mr. New guy with some potential tells me that he owns two capes as one of his 10 things. One black and one Superman. I ask you, how do I not comment on that? I thought it was very light teasing but apparently Mr NG is quite sensative about his capes. Guess I will be moving on to a new NG. Sigh. Lesson learned. Never tease someone with a Superman cape because they probably don't think any of it is funny. My away!!

Until next time....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Today is a new day.....sort of.

Okay so today is now officially the 3rd day of the New Year. It's taken me a few days to get this going. As you will probably notice in future postings this is an ongoing theme in my life. Lateness.

I have a good excuse. I had a pretty lousy New Years eve that was highlighted with my then boyfriend smearing food into his beard at a restaurant to make me mad. How does one meet such a quality person you may ask? Internet dating people. Far from my worst date ever though. I won't scare you with that one just yet. Let's just say a new year and a new beginning.

So here I am. It's 2010. I just turned 35 and I started wondering how did I get here? Blogging is way cheaper than therapy so I thought I'd try it.

I will keep this one short and sweet but hope to add more on a regular basis. For now enjoy a lovely picture of me after a few more glasses of wine that I'd ever admit to.
