Monday, July 25, 2011

Shorter pants

Last night was an interesting and eventful one in our house. We had just arrived home from a few days of camping and I was really looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again. I should also mention that my bed at home has been under attack lately when one of the cats decided that it passed as a second liter box and once that happens the other cat thinks "hey why not?" I was lucky enough to have found a product that gets up pet stains really well after the dog made a very big mess last winter....seems he wasn't feeling well at all. I'll spare you the photos but let's just say it looked like my cream colored carpet had polka dots.....across the entire room. The cleaning spray is amazing. You spray it and walk away. It even says that on the bottle. No hours of scrubbing the carpet until you've given up all will to live. You squirt the stuff on and go make yourself a margarita to drown your sorrows. I don't quite understand how it works but I assume little enzymes go to work and actually eat the organic material. Don't think too hard about what that means when your dealing with cat pee and dog poop. Anyway it took a few applications but it saved my carpet and I had high hopes for my mattress.

Liquid Miracle

So we got home after the weekend only to find that my bed wasn't quite ready for me to sleep on it....but I'm holding out hope it will be soon. In the mean time I've spent the last 2 weeks bunking in the spare bed in Andrew's room. It's not the most comfortable substitute for my pillow top mattress but it beats the couch when you have neck and back problems. So there I was fast asleep last night when I heard something. I slowly opened my eyes to see Camryn's silhouette starring at me. Through tears she told me that both her legs were hurting her.

She limped back to her bed and after some pain killers I laid beside her and massaged her legs. It was probably about an hour before she was back asleep. By then her arms and legs were twisted in mine and I wasn't about to risk waking her to get back to my uncomfortable bed. So there I slept with her and about 25 stuffed animals in a twin bed.

This morning it occurred to me that maybe her painful legs were a growth spurt. So when she finally woke up I had her assume the usual pose against our dining room wall and sure enough she had grown a half an inch overnight. She was pretty excited about that but still not very impressed about the bad night sleep. I can relate. I miss my own bed so much!!

Camryn grew right out of the shot  =)

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