Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Classroom Superstar

Let me start by saying that I've seen both sides of this fence and so I feel like I can comment on it a little. I mean why not? That's why I have a blog so that I can be opinionated. And here you are stuck reading my drivel. Lucky you!!

Have you ever noticed that there are certain kids who are always chosen for things at school? It's the same select group all the time isn't it? My sweet daughter Camryn basically taught herself to read at the age of about 4. She tends to be a driven child and her older brother Andrew was already in school learning letters and words. She used to beg for me to give her homework too. Learning to read came effortlessly for Cammie and was nothing but fun. Drew had a learning disability and so it was slow going and terribly hard for him.

By the time Camryn entered Kindergarten she was ahead of most of the other children in this area. This made her a natural candidate to read short blurbs at various assemblies and volunteer teas that the school puts on throughout the year. I mean what is more adorable than a 5 year old with ringlets in her hair reading big words while the rest of her classmates pick their noses and lift their dresses up over their heads?

Camryn reading at the volunteer tea in grade 1. She just looks like a star doesn't she?

She also was one of the only kids in her school choir who could belt out a tune and stay on key so she's also gotten to be a bit of a superstar there as well. I have no idea what recessive gene gave her that gift but her dad and I can't sing so don't blame us. All around Camryn has been in the spotlight numerous times at school. Then there is Drew. Not once has he ever been chosen to be the star. He too could sing and keep in key but he doesn't have that so called "X factor" I guess. He's sort of one of those kids that never got to have his moment.

Sure everyone seems to love Drew. His homeroom teacher this year said "If I could have a room full of Drew's that would be the best thing ever". One of his aides says "I love that kid" every time she sees me. A psychologist once told me "He's a once in a career kind of child". It's not for a lack of love that people don't give Drew a chance. It's just that he's not the star.

Camryn also got to present a gift to the school Principal. You can tell how thrilled she is to be touched. Can you say sensory issues?

It may surprise you that I would say it drives me absolutely crazy that Camryn always gets to be the star in her class and in her school. It's not that I don't love to see her shine so brightly because I do. It's just that I know that for every assembly or volunteer tea that there is a Camryn radiating her brilliance that there are also the Drew's of this world that will never get their moment even though they deserve it too. It's the Drew's who need to be celebrated. The Drew's who work 4 times as hard at learning how to read even half as well as the Camryn's ever will have too. It's like praising a lottery winner for being rich and not the guy who worked his butt off to buy a modest little house.

Maybe we need to widen that spotlight a little and focus our attention on the kids left in the shadows. It just might be the only time in their lives that they get to glow a little too.

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