Sunday, May 9, 2010

Make work project

This weekend I took the kids to the local hardware store to buy some gardening supplies. It was one of these crazy over sized stores that make no sense to the average woman. Who the heck puts flowers on one side of the store and the washrooms way on the other side? Seriously. Are women and children not likely to be in the gardening area. Hello? So here we are looking at the list when I see the familiar dance. I ask " Sweetie, do you need to use the washroom?" I will tell you right now this is the stupidest question you can ask a child. Has there ever in the history of the world been a child who says "Yes" to this question? I don't think so. So I decide that we are going anyway. This is the second stupid thing I do. Why bother asking the child if you are taking them anyway. This is Child Development 101 and I've just broken the cardinal rule. Ugh. Did I mention I work in Child Development? Awesome right?

So we are off pushing the rickety old cart with the one wheel that won't quite roll in a forward direction making the most shrill metal scrapping sound as we boot it across the concrete floor. My daughter who decided to dress up in a lovely summer dress accented by her purple rain boots and a chunky costume jewellery necklace to go to the hardware store is madly trying to keep up with me. All I can think of is someone yelling "Wet clean up in aisle 46" if we don't make it on our personal Marathon of Hope. We make it just in time. Phew. Now comes the long walk back as the kids argue over who gets to push the cart. Smart customers are getting out of the way well in advance. This sort of activity is a good way of determining the general IQ's of people at a large store. Give your child a cart and see who they hit. Anyone who gets hit would not have survived in the wild. I'm just saying. Finally 14 hours later we make it back to our original spot to complete our shopping adventure.

The end of one adventure really is the beginning of another. While the supplies are now in our possession we must do something with them. At home the kids and I busily get started on our little gardening project. I say little because that is what it was going to be. Looking at my flower bed I imagine the previous owner may have had something spectacular here. All that is left from our years of minimal effort and a workman who didn't know that stepping on flowers was probably a jerky thing to do is a few sad looking green things that could actually be weeds. The plan: To dig up a few plants that had seen better days and sow some new seeds to replace them with. Easy right? One thing I forgot to factor was that my children are overly eager helpers with poor attention spans. There is no planning activities of this sort in my house. It's a jump right in and work on the fly kind of thing. So into the flower bed we were. Dirt is flying and holes are being dug. These are holes for the sake of holes my friends. Nothing was going into them this weekend but we have holes!! Of course we had more holes but as one digs a space in the ground dirt must be placed somewhere. In a hole it goes. Luckily they both lose track of what they are doing and nobody seemed to notice that their work was being undone as quickly as they were doing it. We had a solid 2 hours of dirt moving going on. This freed me up for the battle I was going to wage against the Beast. I do not know what sort of plant this ugly bush is which is why I have named it this. Well and the fact that it wasn't a beautiful plant. I have hated this thing since I moved in almost 6 years ago. However I have not been stupid enough to take on this nasty thing until now. I broke my brand new pitch fork trying to remove this sucker but in the end I won the battle. It is out of my flower bed. The kids and I started some seeds in a tray to eventually place in the garden. I am hoping something grows from these seeds. It is hard supervising two children at opposite sides of a seed try as they randomly drop microscopic brown seeds into brown dirt. I'm just hoping that we have enough things grow that we can make our own quirky garden out of it.

All in all we had a fun day together. Nobody peed on the floor, I slayed the beast that was taking over my garden, and we have the best holes on the block.

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