Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Well at least he knew to use the bathroom....

This morning I woke up a little early and had to pee. I took a quick peek at the clock and it was 5:00am. I figured if I could just try to get there and back without waking up to much I would likely be able to go back to sleep for another 90 minutes when the alarm was set.

I managed to get down the hall without walking into anything. Perfect. So far so good. I enter the bathroom which is still dark but there is light streaming in through the window from the insanely bright security lights outside so I can see well enough. I noticed something on the floor which my brain in all its groggy glory interprets as fallen leaves. For my long term readers you may recall my adventures in gardening with our spider pant "Charlotte". These "leaves" on the floor are short and a fatter shape than the long thin ones she has. Before too long I realize these can't possibly be Charlotte's leaves fallen on the ground. So what are they?

This is Charlotte

I spend a moment debating whether to turn on the light and wake myself up completely. Of course having a debate about it doesn't help the situation either. So eventually I just flick the light on. Well what do you know? It's poop. Nothing bitch slaps you out of dreamland faster than turds on the floor.

I suspect it was the dog because just two nights ago when I was reading stories to the kids he went into the bathroom and peed against the toilet....must think he's human. Then he proceeded to dig in the cat's liter box and bring one piece of liter coated cat poop into Camryn's room and deposits it on her bed.

Of course I didn't see the dog poop on the bathroom floor last night and he is about the same size as the cats (meaning he'd produce the same size excrement) so unless you can DNA turds then I'll just have to name him my prime suspect.

Looks so innocent....but is he?

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