Thursday, March 24, 2011

Does this migraine make me look phat?

Andrew has a very good friend that he's had for over 3 years now. She came into his classroom part way through the year in grade 3 and they have been thick as thieves ever since. Last weekend they went to the movies for the first time without an adult. Now I'll start by saying that Andrew doesn't know his own phone number, or address, and he still sometimes has to ask if we have an "s" at the end of our last name....."yes honey we do". He's sweet but a little bit helpless at times. However he is also a pretty good kid and has been showing that he can make good....or at least better decisions over the last year. An example of this was when I left Drew and Camryn watching a movie inside the house while I gave the dog a quick walk around the block. I had been gone only about 5 minutes when Andrew who has a cell phone pre-programmed with my cell phone number calls me quite distraught. He says that he and Camryn have looked all over the house and can not find Augie (our dog). Okay.....where to start? "Sweetie, I'm walking the dog so he's with me". "Oh good he says, we were so worried". So it's not perfect. He didn't put it together that me walking the dog implied that I would take Augie with me but at least he noticed the dog wasn't there, tried looking for him, and then made the decision to call me for help. It's real progress people!! When he got lost in Disney World a few years ago he didn't even ask for help so this is huge.

So you'd think it would freak me out sending him to the movies without an adult. Yes and no. His friend Allissa is the kind of kid that could probably be drafted to be a secret agent. She's savvy, resourceful, and very capable. The kids are almost exactly the same age but they are polar opposites in many ways. Somehow their friendship works. Allissa talks and Drew listens. She directs, he follows. It's actually a beautiful thing. I fully hope and expect that they will get married someday even though both of them think that idea is "really, really gross". So even though they were at the movies without a parent I knew they would be fine because Allissa would take care of Drew.

To be honest it was nice to have one kid amused for the afternoon. One of the lingering issues from my car accident almost 4 months ago....not that I'm migraine headaches. I never actually smashed my head....that I can remember, but I did suffer a concussion from my brain bouncing around inside my skull. Drain Bramage!! Awesome. I've had all kinds of fun times with these headaches in the last few months but most were lasting only 2 days. Well I'm now on day 12 of this headache. Despite losing some brain cells I'm pretty sure that's not good. Last weekend it was really pounding so I happily drove Andrew to the movie theatre to meet up with Allissa and her mom. I figured that he would be amused and I would have one less human being to try and keep alive for the afternoon. I parked the car and we got out, walked to the theatre, bought tickets and food, gave them the rules and then sent them inside. It sounds quick but with the mile long line up for food it was almost 30 minutes before Camryn and I headed back out to the car. I put my hand into my pocket to get my keys. Hmmm. Not there. Checked my other pocket....not there either. I tend to put my keys in weird places....and by weird I just mean never in the same place twice so I wasn't completely alarmed at first. Checked my purse and jean pockets.....where are they? That little bit of anxiety started creeping in. Ran through all the places again, still no keys. Now I was starting to be very stressed. I stood in the line up again, got to the ticket window.....nobody has turned any keys in....Crap!! My headache is just throbbing by this point, I'm stuck at a theatre, and I just want to go home and relax on the couch. Grrr. I considered calling AMA but what are they going to do? Unlock my car and then what? It's not like I can drive it without the keys. After what had been a week of having a bad headache and then losing my keys it was everything I had not to start crying there on the disgusting theatre lobby floor that I had sprawled the contents of my purse onto in my last ditched attempt to figure out where my stupid keys were. Camryn being such a sweet heart says "Mommy do you need a hug?" in an over exaggerated voice that you might expect from a Kindergarten teacher who's one "inside" recess away from cracking. "Yes darling I really do". We hug for a moment and then I decide to retrace my steps. I gather all my stuff up and we walk around the lobby, then go outside. The parking lot is littered with rocks and silty dirt from weeks of the mall staff madly trying to keep up with all the snow we've had. Now all melted away trying to locate silver keys on a silver key fob is a near impossible task in the sea of grey and with the sun beating down and my head pounding this activity becomes AWESOME!! I imagined that anyone finding my keys would have been easily able to figure out which car to steal since the key fob conveniently locates the car for you and will even start it. Really extra glad to have that feature at this very moment. I approach the area where I left my car expecting to see an empty spot but to my surprise there it is just sitting where I left it. Yeah. Nobody stole my car. That's a good start.

But's running. I figure I got back in the nick of time. Somebody found my keys and used the remote starter to try to locate the car. My brain hurts as I try to figure out what to do. I can only assume I am moments away from a confrontation with this person. As would be the normal reaction I reach for the handle and the door opens. What? Then as if time stands still I look inside only to realize that my keys are in the ignition....I left my damn car running AND unlocked. It was me. Nobody found my keys....I'm just an idiot. I walked away with it running.......for half an hour. Now it becomes painfully obvious that I've lost one more brain cell then I need to survive in the wild. Fantastic.

I was so stupid I probably deserved to have my car stolen. A real credit to the city I live in that at least 100 people would have walked by my car and nobody took it despite the big neon sign saying "steal me my owner is a moron". My only defense is that my head was very ouchie. Now that's an Excendrin headache if I ever saw might cure the headache but can it make me any smarter? Sigh!

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