Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The May long weekend

Rainy day in the trailer

When you say "May long" here in Calgary most people think of camping. Or at least I imagine they do because that's what I always think of. The problem though is that about 9 times out of 10 we have the crappiest weather you could wish for on this particular weekend. Snow, hail, and rain are standard fair. You'd think at some point people here would just give up on their plans to be in the great outdoors until June. I'd like to say that Canadians are just a hearty bunch and despite our reputation for being quiet and polite we can put up with a lot. I'm not sure if it's as much being hearty or if it's just that the winters can seem so long and that even a 10% chance of not needing to wear a parka is worth the effort to get out to the wilderness. Then again maybe we are just idiots. Any which way our campground was packed this weekend despite the poor weather forecast. For those of you that stayed home thinking "Oh well it's going to rain, maybe next year will be better" I'd like to say you missed your chance for the next decade. The weather was actually pretty good. Sorry that you missed it. Okay, well not really. I just wished I had brought some shorts. Whatever you did was your deal.

The kids were at their dads house this weekend so they didn't get out camping until Sunday night. They were excited and a little bit overwhelmed because not only are we at a new campground this season but I have a new trailer that they aren't used to yet. It smelled different, looked different, and sounds different than the one they are used to sleeping in. I have to admit it took some getting used to for me as well. I was glad to have the dog the first two nights when the kids were away. Not sure that he could really protect me if a crazed axe-wielding maniac broke in but I felt better knowing he could at least bark at them and maybe chew on the jerks ankle while he murdered me.
The kids made it through their one night in the trailer pretty well and are eager to come back next weekend. I was commenting to my family that I was really happy how few spiders or other creepy crawlies I had seen at our new site. That was a critical error in judgement on my part. Never say you are so glad something hasn't happened....because we all knows that it will....just because you said it. It wasn't until we were on our way home.....on the highway in fact....that our little 8 legged friend finally appeared. I'm driving down the road in a pouring rainstorm when suddenly I hear a scream from the back seat. In typical fashion I say "What's wrong?" and I get no answer. I don't know if this is an Autism trait or just a kid trait but it is like I'm talking to myself. I am desperately trying to watch the road as my wiper blades are at full speed and barely keeping the water off the windshield. I hear panicked breathes and shuffling in the back ground. My mind runs wild with whatever this possible emergency could be. Finally after about the fourth time I asked what was happening thinking that somebody is bleeding I hear a whispered "spider" from Andrew. I'm not sure why he whispered. I don't think spiders can hear and even if they do I doubt they understand English.

I manage to maneuver the car across 2 lanes of holiday traffic in the downpour and pull onto the shoulder. I don't know what I was expecting to find but I thought from the reaction that it would probably be a tarantula sized arachnid. I will say that I had to take a deep breath before turning around. First I hate spiders. I don't mean I have a bit of a dislike for them. I have stayed up all night when I saw a spider in my bedroom once and it disappeared before I could catch it. I'm not sure why they scare me so much but if they are in my house.....or in this case car they need to GET OUT. The problem though is that I also hate killing bugs. I even have trouble swatting a mosquito. I know that you think I'm a freak. I accept that. It's not so much that I worry about the mosquitoes feelings or family. I hate bug guts.....a lot!! Then the added fact that mosquitoes have blood and guts makes then extremely unappealing to squish on my arms or legs. Blah.

It wasn't quite the weekend I was expecting but it was fun. Camping season has officially started.

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