Thursday, August 25, 2011

Be careful what you wish for or you just might have to clean the house

So after months of waiting I finally got the call that there is a developmental aide available to work with Andrew. Okay, well that makes it sound so easy. Like I was sitting around one day eating gummi bears when suddenly the phone rings and "woo hoo we have an aide....yeah". More like I called the agency in June after a 6 month wait and got "oops, we lost his file" and then " yeah we found his file it should be very soon" and then I called back in August and "oops we lost his file....again.....yes, I know we shouldn't keep losing it....or at very least we shouldn't admit it to the mother whose been waiting forever to have her kid seen....but yeah we found it again. Aren't you so happy? We'll call you tomorrow". Yah, I wish the gummi bear thing had happened. That would have sucked way less on so many levels. So moving on.....

Today was the big day. They called. We now have the appointment to meet with the supervisors to find out what my new priorities for Andrew's care are since it's been almost a year since we started this process and after so much time passing we have new and bigger aspirations for him and a new school schedule that is quite different from last we have to meet with them first before we get the aide......awesome. Can't we just get to the actual intervention part? The kid is 12 already!!

Now I'm kind of freaking out which is totally stupid. For the record I used to be an aide doing almost exactly this same job working with kids just like Drew who have Autism. The only difference was that I worked with preschoolers and not school aged kids. So I don't know why I feel so unprepared. I think it's because my house has become a bit of a wasteland over the last 9 months as I lay crippled up from having whiplash and a concussion. I guess that's a pretty good excuse but still. Maybe the 18 year old kid who slammed into the back of me at a red light that I had been stopped at least 2 minutes would like to come over and clean my house for me. Oooohhhh. I should ask for that in the settlement. "I'll take a million dollars and house cleaning". I like it.

Anyway, I have exactly 15 days to get my house in good enough shape to have someone I don't know come in and roll around on my floor. Ready.....go.....

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