Monday, March 12, 2012

The adventures of Some-bunny

I apologize for not writing for a week and a half. I just got back from the "much anticipated" (read dreaded) band camp of which it took a few days to get ready for and a few days to recover from.

Just before we left Camryn announced that she was going to miss Drew and I very much. She wanted us to keep Mr. Bunny (seen above) with us while she was hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house. So Drew and I decided that Mr. Bunny should come along on the trip. I think Drew thought it was a good idea so that he would have a legitimate excuse to have a stuffed animal on his junior high band trip...."Just in case".

So these are the adventures of Mr. band camp.

This was Mr. Bunny looking out the bus window. It was a bumpy ride on the way up there. It probably didn't help that the band teacher and the bus driver got into an argument moments before leaving the school. And guess who wasn't on the bus with us because she was driving the U-haul with all the instruments in it? If you said the band teacher you are correct. Awesome right? I swear he swerved so that we would hit every single bump on that road. Oh yah and we even ended up in a snow bank. Let that be a lesson to you kids.....don't piss off the bus driver.

Mr. Bunny finally chooses a bed. We had 6 to chose from with just Drew, myself, and Mr. Bunny sharing a room. Of course Drew also took awhile to pick a bunk. Sometimes you're better off having someone else assign one for you.

Mr. Bunny being naughty while the kids are at their 2 hour band practice. Here he is sneaking into other kids rooms. To be honest I was glad for the company so that I didn't need to sit with the Cult of the Band Moms. Yes I would rather hang out with a stuffed bunny. Um....did I say that out loud? I will say that there was one other mother on the trip that fought assimilation. It was not an easy.

The dining hall where only the finest gruel and slop is served....well that and carrots.....lots and lots of carrots. Even Mr. Bunny was complaining that if he ever sees another carrot in his stuffed life it will be too soon.

Warming up by the fire place in the Fireside room. I wonder where they came up with such an original name? Mr. Bunny (the stuffed bunny) thought it was quite creative. By the looks of that fireplace I guess I should be grateful it isn't called the Lodge Inferno room.

Mr. Bunny thinking about pushing down the Double Bass and blaming it on the kid that plays it. Mr. Bunny kept calling him "the little punk". I tried to explain that he was probably a really nice child whose parents have put in a lot of effort to raise him with wonderful manners and that he's just misunderstood as he goes through the flux of teenage hormonal imbalance. Mr. Bunny wasn't buying any of my crap though. I tried. (This kid really was exceptional to deal with....and keep in mind I work with children who bite)

Drew being a pretty good sport and holding Mr. Bunny (wearing a red parka) the morning before we left. The kids were doing a scavenger hunt so everyone was gathered. As I hand Drew Mr. Bunny for the photo he loudly says "Okay Mom, I will hold my sister's stuffed bunny for YOU. I know my sister will want to see pictures of HER rabbit when we get home". The funny thing is that you can see most of the kids aren't even turned in our direction so he probably drew ten times as much attention by announcing it. He he.

One of Drew's teachers heard his subtle announcement and after all the kids took off running she wanted to borrow Mr. Bunny for some photo opportunities and tobogganing. She had already asked several of the adults and kids and nobody would go with her. She said she didn't want to look silly tobogganing by herself. I didn't have the heart to tell her that taking a stuffed bunny in an over sized dog parka wasn't helping her cause.

And that my friends was band camp....

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